Inspiring Conversations over Coffee on Sports, Fashion & Luxury sector

MBAESG India is extremely proud to kickstart the Pre Semester Workshops. These informative modules will allow students to equip themselves with the basic foundational structure of the programs.
Our speakers consist of world-class Industry Champions in Sports, Luxury & Fashion domains to enrich your workshop experience.

This is your chance to catch industry leaders 1-on-1 and walk away with enhanced skillsets.

This deep-dive curriculum walk-through will enable you to visualize YOUR journey with MBAESG India before the semester even kickstarts.

A bunch of exciting and informative workshops is coming your way!

Our theme: Ctrl Alt Shift – New Dimensions & New Perspectives – Your Transformation Begins Here

Upcoming Workshop: 

Module: Inspiring Coffee Conversations – Demystifying Sports Sector

Date: 10 am to 12 pm| Date: August 4 

Speaker: Priyal Keni, Elite Sports Professional & CA 


  1. Sports for Sustainability – Deep diving into the sport based SDG programs around the world

      2. Career opportunities in Sports for Social Impact space 

3. Starting your own Sports based Social Entrepreneurial venture.

Previous Workshops:

Module: Inspiring Coffee Conversations – Demystifying Sports Sector

Date: 10 am to 12 pm| Date: July 21 

Speaker: Dr. Harish Kumar, Assistant Professor, MBAESG 


  1. Sport and its success: How success varies in different sport
  2. Sports in a pandemic; the struggles and the benefits

Module: Inspiring Coffee Conversations – Demystifying Sports Sector

Time: 10 am to 12 pm| Date: July 14 

Speaker: Ms. Deepti, Managing Director, CSS 

Session: Sports Tourism 

Module: Inspiring Coffee Conversations – Demystifying Sports Sector
Time: 10 am to 12 pm
Speaker: Gautam Mukherjee, MD & CEO, Sportify


1. How to Win Every Game in Sports
2. Sports, Passion & Fun is The Next Big Industry
3. Learn to Unlearn Sports Management

Don’t forget to catch Gautam Mukherjee’s session every Wednesday! All students are welcome.

Module: Inspiring Coffee Conversations – Demystifying Luxury & Fashion
Time: 10 am to 12 pm
Speaker: Dhiraj Khanna, Luxury Business Management Expert


1. Welcome Discussion – Introduction to Luxury & Fashion
2. Exploring the Universe of Luxury & Fashion

3. Important strategies in Luxury & Fashion

Don’t forget to catch Dhiraj Khanna’s session every Wednesday! All students are welcome.

Author: SEO Team